Lozorno is a village community in the south-west of Slovakia, the district of Malacky, which lies within the Bratislava metropolitan area. Lozorno is just 24 km north of Bratislava, Slovakia´s capital city. The settlement is first mentioned in the surviving records of 1438 as Ezelarn, derived from German Esel (donkey). The name clearly points to the time when the place used to be a staging post for the busy trade route between the Czech lands and the Hungarian Kingdom. It was exactly in Lozorno/Ezelarn that animal powered transport, post donkeys employed as working animals, were changed. The village is best known for its church, which dates back to 1629 and is dedicated to St. Catherine of Alexandria, patroness of learning. The village boasts picturesque undulated woodland environs with multiple tourist opportunities and amenities. Lozorno is served by D2 motorway that connects the village to Bratislava.
Average annual temperature: +10 C
Elevation: 187 m above sea level
Longitude: 48°20´04" N
Latitude: 17°02´30" E
Population: 3004 inhabitants
Area: 44, 79 square km
Vehicle registration: MA 324BM
Postal Code: 900 55